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心情月饼快闪馆——Lianyi 莲漪

时间:2019-08-20     作者:ZZ【转载】   来自:WAY/未之建筑公众号   阅读

Lianyi 莲漪
Moody Mooncake Pavilion 月饼馆 

未/WAY Studio 

未/WAY Studio 受 moody 品牌所托,打造他们今年款⽉饼的快闪⽉饼馆—Moody Mooncake Pavilion。 荷塘月色,动静皆宜,展示月饼的艺术装置把山水人文的诗意通过放大荷叶出水时的动静引入城市环境中。
WAY Studio has created an undulating pop-up installation for moody MOONCAKE, exhibiting their newest collection of mooncakes from this year and last.  The concept for moody MOONCAKE’s collection this year is that of a moonlit lotus pond. The installation transforms this Chinese ideology into an abstract spatial composition. The poetics of mountains and rivers are brought into this urban environment. The installation, like a black and white Chinese painting, or like the rising mist of a summer pond in the dawn of day, mimics the undulation of water as lotuses’ rising disrupts its surface – capturing stillness in motion. 



 Abstraction of this Chinese ideology within the urban environment



From out to in, from low to high, drawing people in

⽉饼馆位于上海静安嘉⾥中⼼北区南⻔内,装置由外到內,由低⾄⾼,形成聚拢迎⼈的空间。三个 独⽴空间分别为今年“荷⽉餅”展⽰、去年的“好⽉饼”⼏何图形款展⽰,以及⼀个专注品尝售卖 交流的空间。三个⼊⼝分别顺着商场的主动线顺势贯穿装置?K形成互动拍摄区。通透的抽象⼭⽔⽴ ⾯,形成独⽴空间的同时也能有效展⽰其中的内容。
The pavilion is located in the south entrance of Jing’an Kerry Center North, Shanghai. The installation sits low on all sides and rises in the middle, drawing in visitors. Three separate spaces display this year’s “lotus pond” collection, last year’s geometric collection, and a bar area for tasting and sales. Three entrances, placed strategically along the mall’s circulation, draws in visitors into the central area of the installation where you can interact with the screen or take photographs. The translucent waveform partitions provide clear zoning for each function yet at the same time allow for open display to all sides.




clockwise front left to right: “lotus pond” collection display, geometric collection display, tasting and sales area. 

Main circulation through the center also as interaction and photography zone.


 Strings made of silicon  are strung through undulating metal pipes, inventive public “play” the installation like a harpsichord.



Translucent installation walls  



circulation threads through the center also forming a central play and photography area.


Two layers of string create a mirage effect as light, shadow, and viewers pass through.



Light filters through the screen walls of the installation and creates a performance of shadows on the ground.



The installation reflected in the polished ground of the mall mimics one’s reflection in a lotus pond



The installation through the central atrium

纯白色的装置,在商场中繁琐的色彩中突出,也衬托了月饼精致的元素. 托盘的设计在不同的月饼款式上进行了区别,通过层层叠叠的“荷叶”从“一池静水”中“生长” 出来,更强调了这个“出淤泥的动静”
The pure white installation stands out amidst the festival of colors within the mall, and acts as a back drop for the delicate features within the mooncake design. The absolute whiteness is also an extension of lotus flowers’ symbolization of purity in Chinese ideology, as lotuses are made more magnificent by the contrast to their muddy environment. Two different sets of displays were designed specifically for each collection. For the newest collection, layers of “lotus leafs” grows in “still water”.


Lotus leaf shaped display platforms mimics its natural layers  



Lotus leaf shaped platforms for this year’s lotus pond collection



Growing out of a “reflective pond”



Circular platforms for the display of last year’s geometric collection


[一池荷塘里的,藕、荷/莲花、荷叶、月、莲蓬 错落在荷叶造型的托盘上] 

Lotus root, seed, flower, leaf, and the Moon, as displayed 

4_4-v-display drawing_(C)WAY.jpg


Display, tasting, and interactive zone

 4_1-unroll elevation_(C)WAY.jpg 


Unrolled elevation

[東側 | 南側立面圖]  

East  | South elevation


Display platform drawings

moody MOONCAKE ⽉餅館 位於上海靜安嘉里中心北區南門內,?K開放至9月13日。
The pop-up installation will be open at Jing’an Kerry Center till September 13th. 


未/WAY Studio 2019
功能 Function:moody 快闪月饼馆 MOONCAKE Pop-up Pavilion 

客户 Client:moody MOONCAKE 地址 Location:中国上海市静安嘉里中心北区南門 Kerry Center, Shanghai, P.R.China 

面积 Area:60平方 sqm. ⾼度 Height:3.54米 m
设计团队 Design Team: 郑涛 Zheng Tao, 黎紫翎 Fernie Lai, 洪勤哲 Alan Hung, 张泽群 Zhang ZeQun,李旭东 Li XuDong
施工單位 Contractor: 启东鑫彤展示柜制作有限公司
摄影 Photography: 田方方Tian FangFang


WAY Studio 建筑设计研究所是⼀个创新精神的建筑事务所,致力于建筑设计与艺术和科技领 域的融合。WAY Studio以艺术体验为出发点,并通过跨界合作探索新的可能性。目前涉猎领域包含城市规划、美术馆、博物馆、大剧院等文化项目、城市综合体、建筑改造、社会住宅、 艺术作品等。WAY Studio在北京、香港、温哥华分别设有工作室。
WAY Studio is an innovative architecture and design studio with a focus on coalescing architecture with art and technology. With consideration for artistic representation at its core, WAY Studio has focused on discovering new possibilities through cross-disciplinary collaborations. We are highly experienced in interdisciplinary work alongside artists, designers, consultants, engineers and more, seeking new possibilities in every situation. We are interested in looking towards what is next, to pioneer a new WAY, and to find the balance between people and nature, culture and technology. WAY Studio currently has offices in Beijing, Hong Kong and Vancouver.

 instagram: waystudio_



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