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时间:2019-02-19     作者:林飞ID00011068681【转载】   来自:中国设计联盟网   阅读

 11月23日,上海黑泡泡建筑装饰设计工程有限公司的“雪月花”日本料理餐饮空间项目荣获亚太室内设计大奖“用餐空间金奖”和“最受评审喜爱奖”。本次大奖赛的“用餐空间”(Food Space)覆盖餐厅、食堂、咖啡馆、酒吧、休闲吧等多种类型空间,黑泡泡的参赛项目在众多参评用餐空间项目中脱颖而出,荣膺本类别唯一金奖。消息传来,黑泡泡全体同仁都感到无比振奋,业界同行和客户朋友也对黑泡泡表示祝贺。


        亚太室内设计大奖(APIDA,Asia&Pacific Interior Design Award)由香港室内设计协会(香港室内设计协会IDA为国际室内建筑师和装饰设计师联盟IFI的成员)主办及亚太各地室内设计协会协办,其宗旨是促进室内设计的公众认知度,使其成为日常生活的重要部分;给予业内认可应受奖赏的优秀的工程项目和设计师们应得的荣誉;鼓励和推动本地区室内设计的专业水准、设计概念和道德规范的进步发展。由于始终坚持公开公平公正的赛事姿态,APIDA已成为亚太地区设计领域最高规格、也最具权威性的专业级赛事。





▼餐厅外貌,front view


           The seemingly roundabout self-praise is actually a spiritual attitude with great sincerity, and this is the reason why the designer took “Setsugekka” as the name of this restaurant in the very beginning.

▼入口大厅,entrance lobby


           Whether verses:”Tonight is snowing, someone must be passing the Hakone” by Matsuo Basho who is called “Forever Traveler”;”What a pity that the moon is covered by blizzard” by Maruyama; or “Happy to see snow coming””Flowering is not for someone” or “Enjoy the bright moon for a long time”; in Japanese Waka&Haiku, Setsugekka represents natural beings, as well as joy and sadness emotions—for top space designers, the perfection of technique has already become prerequisite; what makes one’s work out-performs other’s is the vision and understanding of culture that contains greatness in simplicity.

▼营造雪纷纷的氛围,a snowing atmosphere


           ultra-clear glass engraved with the sakura, blue led light band, complete black background of sushi counter…everywhere is amazing, but nowhere alone can give full expression to the sense of Zen of the whole space—only when all of these mix harmoniously, then an appropriate design is obtained. And it comes the most perfect cause and effect while the designer uses “appropriate” to describe honestly the design. As for the style of the design and the comment from the industry, both of which are attached great importance by other designers; yet Mr. Sun has not much interest in them.

▼雕刻樱花的玻璃装饰,the ultra-clear glass


           The essence of Japanese Cuisine is “right time to eat”, “you have to prepare for the snapper when you feel the chills in your heart”(quoted from Hirohisa Koyama).Besides fine knife skills and precise touch feel, to get a perfect Japanese Cuisine, your inner insight is the key, so dose design— while enjoying rippling blossom before the eyes, it comes the “aha moment”. But the marvelous insight does not come for no reason, it dues to years of practicing experience in design industry.

▼寿司台,sushi bar

▼用餐环境,dining space

▼洗手池,washing basin

设计师 :曹鑫第
完工时间:2016. 11

Project Name: Setsugekka Japanese Cuisine
Design Company: Shanghai Hip-pop Architectural Decoration Design Co., Ltd.
Chief Architect: SUN Tianwen
Participating Architect: CAO Xindi
Location: Changchun, Jilin Province, China
Built-up Area:1,300㎡
Completion Time: November 2016
Main Materials: paint, glass, tatami, “light”
Photographer: ZHANG Jing



上海黑泡泡建筑装饰设计工程有限公司 总设计师

  • 中国建筑学会室内设计学会理事

  • 中国饭店业协会理事

  • 上海市装饰装修行业协会第四届理事会常务理事

  • 中华全国工商业联合会家具装饰业商会设计师委员会导师

  • 《室内设计》编委

  • 历任国际空间设计大奖赛——艾特奖上海分赛区及上海室内设计大赛专家评委

  • 江南大学客座教授

  • 吉林建筑大学客座教授

  • 东北师范大学美术学院艺术硕士专业研究生导师

  • 东方卫视 《设计 .格调》栏目主持嘉宾


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