王云慢 | 文学性也许是我到达彼岸的可能文学性也许是我到达彼岸的可能 王云慢看似漫无边际的日复一日画着她身边的场景,或许是光线下的一角,或许是深夜街边一簇盛开的野花,或许是桌上的一摞书,再或许是画室里不动声色的石膏像…… 造物主赋予她优质的审美,细致入微的观察能力和看起来冷酷优雅、琢磨不透的外表。只有她自己知道在画笔指引下,通过琐碎,解构后的局部描绘,她在内心试图重新拼凑出一段完整的人生历程。叙事,悬疑推理以及通过似曾相识的情节在画布上复原,展现生活本质。一个王云慢的世界。 王云慢轻松自如的写实风格里面蕴藏着独特的文学性,各种景象或者瞬间被定格、被审视、被想象,然后被植入情感后散发着淡淡的忧伤……马尔克斯说过,过去都是假的,回忆是一条没有归途的路,以往的一切春天都无法复原,即使最狂热最坚贞的爱情,归根结底也不过是一种瞬息即逝的现实,唯有孤独永恒。这段话对王云慢来说意味深长,刻骨铭心。 站在原地眺望,或者沉默不语前行,王云慢学会了用画面讲故事,真实和虚构并不重要,重要的是通过绘画的文学性到达她所期盼的彼岸。 possibility for me to reach the other side. Wang Yunman appears to be leisurely painting the scenes around her, seemingly without end. It could be a corner under the light, perhaps a cluster of wildflowers blooming on the street at night, perhaps a stack of books on the table, or perhaps the still plaster statue in the studio. The creator has endowed her with superior aesthetic sense, meticulous observation ability, and a seemingly cold and elegant, inscrutable appearance. Only she knows that through the guidance of the brush, by describing trivialities and deconstructing parts, she tries to rebuild a complete life journey in her heart through painting. Narrating, suspenseful reasoning, and restoring familiar situations on the canvas, life's essence is revealed. A world of Wang Yunman. Wang Yunman's easy and natural realistic style contains a unique literary aspect, various scenes or moments are frozen, scrutinized, imagined, and then implanted with emotion, emitting a faint sadness. As Marcel Proust said, the past is false, memories are a road without return, and all past springs cannot be restored. Even the most passionate and steadfast love is ultimately nothing more than a fleeting reality, and only loneliness is eternal. This statement holds a deep and profound meaning for Wang Yunman. Standing still and looking out or walking silently, Wang Yunman has learned to tell stories through her paintings. The distinction between reality and fiction is not important; what is important is reaching the other side she hopes to reach through her paintings. Her works seem to tell a story, expressing the idea that memories and experiences are frozen moments in time, and through her art, she tries to give them life and emotion, capturing a sense of fleeting reality and sadness, exploring themes of loneliness and the ephemerality of life. 作品欣赏 《感性与理性》 (藏家收藏) 110x90cm 布面油画 2022年 《人世间》 (藏家收藏) 145x100cm 布面油画 2022年 《在那做梦人的梦中,被梦见的人醒了》 (藏家收藏) 80x100cm 布面油画 2022年 《导演系列-库布里克》 80x100cm 布面油画 2007年 《导演系列-卡梅隆》 80x100cm 布面油画 2007年 《爱情太短,而遗忘太长》 (藏家收藏) 220x190cm 布面油画 2023年 《万物静谧如谜》 30x40cm 布面油画 2017年 《虚无与幻想》 35x100cm 布面油画 2022年 开放时间|Open time 周一至周日10:00-17:00 Monday to Sunday 10:00-17:00 场馆地址|Address 苏州市姑苏区干将西路2号 No. 2 West Ganjiang Road, Gusu District,Suzhou 出行提醒|Reminder 轨道交通1号线/4号线乐桥站8号口右转50米 Line 1 / Line 4, Le Qiao Station, turn right 50m distance at Exit 8, 温馨提醒:由于停车场车位有限,建议公共交通出行 Tips: public transportation is recommended due to limited parking spaces. |